This Orleans homeowner reached out to Laura of Littlefield Landscapes to design and install stones he collected throughout the state. With the help of an excavation company who's worked with her for over 15 years, one stone at a time a front walkway and walk from side of home to outback was set. Unfortunately, none of the stones given were even in any direction and the goal of walking up a 6 inch in height steps from driveway to home was very hard to accomplish. Laura chose each stone, one at a time, first one set at the bottom, and with the use of a tape measure over and over, on all sides of each stone, the front walkway and side steps to out back became comfortable to go up and down.
To our surprise, along the front walk, the last stone put in place fit to less than an 1/8th of an inch. I knew the height from bottom to top and wanted to add a curve but it was up to the shape of each stone to make the correct distance, and it came together nicely, miraculously actually! What an accomplishment, what a feeling when elements come together and all parties involved appreciate efforts that will be enjoyed for generations. This project was fun to see how it evolved and may all those who walk upon these stones know the details it took to create such beauty ~