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Be Kind To The Bee Kind!

Any vegetation that flowers to your property helps feed native pollinators.

On Cape Cod we can enjoy flowers throughout three seasons so set up your land for months of enjoyment while helping beneficial insects as well.

Did you know Honeybees are the most aggressive pollinators on Earth?  That doesn’t mean they are mean, it means they complete the process of pollination more efficiently than any other pollinator on Earth.  Cool, right? 

*Honeybees are the most aggressive pollinators on Earth

*They enable the survival of plants and by extension us as well

*Honeybees are an essential part of all vegetation that is in our food chain

*Without honeybees vegetation will not survive


Be non-toxic on your land to help our native pollinators survive!


In the environment

*Living a non-toxic lifestyle will help pollinators and our drinking water.

*Due to human impact our plants, water, air and soil need us to be non-toxic.

*Each one of us matters in the circles of life!

*Every day we make choices - make smart choices for a healthier future.

*We are the stewards of Cape Cod!


Bees....where the circle of life begins

Honeybees play a key role in Mother Earth’s survival. Responsible for the pollination (and thus the creation) of vegetation worldwide, their job is unequalled in nature. Without it, fruits, vegetables, trees and flowers would cease to exist—taking with them the source of all food and 30% of the planet’s oxygen.

Declining Populations

We’ve made it difficult for bees to survive by introducing toxins to their food, water and air.

Since 2006 more than half of all honeybees world wide have died. But this troubling trend can be reversed. Together, we can bring back the bees!

Please use this site to explore the beauty, life and preservation of honeybees.

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The Golden Gift

This tasty and wholly natural gift is a product of the honeybees’ relationship with nature. Honey is produced by adding natural bee enzyme to treated nectar. Although all honeybees produce honey the same way, the flowers used to make it dictate its color and flavor: golden (light, flowery), amber (aromatic, mid-tones) and dark (rich, bold).

Fact: The high fructose content of honey gives it a higher sweetening power than sugar.

Fact: 9,000 year-old cave paintings depict the collection of honey from a bee colony.

Fact: Honey is resistant to fermentation and spoilage because Honeybees use their wings to get moisture out before 'capping' with bees wax.

Fact: Honey enhances the immune system, reduces inflammation and stimulates cell growth.

Fact: Honey is antibacterial, antifungal, natures antibiotic and aids in digestion. 

Fact: Use on open cuts, sores, burns and wounds for it won't pull off any new skin. 


Bees detect UV light

Humans are blind to ultraviolet light, but bugs can see it.

The UV reflecting vs UV absorbing (UV dark) parts of the flower, help the bees navigate

between petals and pistils (or stamens), helping them find the pollen.

A 2019 study found the parts of the flowers that reflect UV light are important advertisements for attracting pollinators.

The specific color vision, which includes UV, of some insects and spectral properties of flowers have evolved into mutualistic relationships between plants and their pollinators. One of the best understood systems of vision is that of bees (Dyer et al. 2015).

von Helversen (1972) measured the capability of honeybees to distinguish colors and showed that bees best discriminate wavelengths at ~400 and 500 nm where the spectral sensitivity curves of UV, blue and green photoreceptors overlap.

To increase distinction by certain groups of pollinators, some flowers create a contrasting pattern of UV absorbance and reflectance on the surface of their petals, whereas others contrast petals and reproductive parts by an inverse pattern of absorbance and reflectance of UV light.

Save The Bees!

Wish bees well on their journey through life. For the honeybees' existence is directly tied to your own. Help them return to their natural habitat. Plant a non-toxic flower or vegetable garden. Plant a tree. Don’t use pesticides. Add beauty to the scenery or fresh greens to your plate. Make sure the future happens! Do it today and benefit tomorrow. It’s a win-win.

Show them love and love your planet in turn.

Fact: By planting a garden and changing to a non-toxic lifestyle, you can help the survival of Honeybees.

Design ideas for a tropical landscaping in Boston.